Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Need help with an essay...thesis mostly?

This is the subject

Hawthorn's "Young Goodman Brown",O'Connor's "A Good Man is Hard to Find", and Dorfman's Death and the Maiden" all make particular use of setting to create ambiguity about good,evil, and the (im)possibility of justice. In thesis, state precisely how setting creates a specific tone that contributes to the meaning in these works (either individually or as a whole) and the develop your argument....

Can anyone help???
Need help with an essay...thesis mostly?
When I have an awful assignment like that, I first make sure I understand the question. If you have to break it down into parts, do that. This one seems pretty straightforward, though.

You have to decide what tone you think the settings of these stories create. First just do some brainstorming. Just write down any and every idea you have about the topic. Different tones, ideas about the settings, evidence for the ideas, whatever. Then choose which one you want to argue, and phrase that into one clear, concise, argumentative sentence, and there you go!

Good luck.

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